The activity with straight impact focused on gaining business experience on the market across the border. There were seven trade missions arranged in...

Project Description
The non-profit organization Družba Slovensko - Ukrajina was founded in 2013 in response to a strong demand for support of trade cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine. Behind the establishment of this organization is bottom-up initiative - coming directly from business entities, employers and their legal representatives on both sides of the border.
Activities of Družba Slovakia - Ukraine, n.o. under the project Družba Slovensko - Ukrajina, which was funded by the Norwegian Government through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and co-financed from the state budget of the Slovak Republic under the Program SK08 - Cross-border Cooperation - „Slovensko – Ukrajina: Spolupráca naprieč hranicou“ are also supported by city of Košice and Košice self governing region. Project has as well strong political support on the Ukrainian side of the border.
Ukraine is considered as our important economic partner (transit of energy carriers and supply of raw materials commodities for the Slovak economy). Despite the fact that Ukraine is the largest neighboring country of Slovakia, the volume of mutual trade is four times smaller as it is with other neighbors (Hungary, Poland, Austria) and up to 10 times smaller than the trade exchange between the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Natural wealth, cultural affinity and mutual geographic connections represent a valuable potential for cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine. Slovakia can play a key role in bridging Ukraine into the European Union environment.
The project is focused on building Slovak - Ukrainian cross-border trade and business cooperation. Parts of the project implemented in the border region initiate an ambition to conduct business and trade, provide information services as well as legal and technical support for cross-border cooperation.
To support the collaboration a set of complementary tools will be created: Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Slovak - Ukrainian Business Incubator, Arbitration Court, Ukrainian - Slovak business portal and Slovak - Ukrainian House of "Družba".
Using such tools Družba Slovakia - Ukraine directly manages, initiates and encourages co-operation between institutions, non-governmental organizations and businesses.
The strategy for promoting cross-border business and entrepreneurial activities is based on support services which eliminate the difficulties of accessing markets outside the European territory. For Slovak entrepreneurs Ukraine is close market and its size of potential demand exceeds the domestic market demand significantly. For Ukraine Slovakia can be the entree point to Europe.
Social and economic development of the region
Creation of new cross-border cooperation between business entities from the border region of SK-UA
Support for existing business cooperation between organisations in the border region
Enhancing mutual understanding on both sides of the border
Improving cooperation between educational institutions, employers and other relevant actors on both sides of the border as well as cross-border
Breaking the barriers for cross-border trade and business cooperation
Setting up the mechanisms for creating individual cross-border contacts and links
House of "DRUŽBA"
EASTPORT - Chamber of Commerce
EASTARBITER - Arbitration Court
PLACE! 2016 Conference
MISTO! 2017 Conference
Forum of business and municipal representatives
SKUS - organization associating Ukrainian students in Košice
Open Doors Day at Košice Universities
Capacity Building 1
Capacity Building 2
Statue of M.R. Štefánik in Uzhgorod
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Articles, information about new possibilities, terms and conditions regarding the cross-border cooperation have finally found a well-arranged place...
Our magazines keep you continuously updated on creation of the articles discussing topics such as law and taxation, the economics and business. All...
About us
The non-profit organization Družba Slovensko - Ukrajina was founded in 2013 in response to a strong demand for support of trade cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine. Behind the establishment of this organization is bottom-up initiative - coming directly from business entities, employers and their legal representatives on both sides of the border.
Activities of Družba Slovakia - Ukraine, n.o. under the project Družba Slovensko - Ukrajina, which was funded by the Norwegian Government through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and co-financed from the state budget of the Slovak Republic under the Program SK08 - Cross-border Cooperation - „Slovensko – Ukrajina: Spolupráca naprieč hranicou“ are also supported by city of Košice and Košice self governing region. Project has as well strong political support on the Ukrainian side of the border.
Ukraine is considered as our important economic partner (transit of energy carriers and supply of raw materials commodities for the Slovak economy). Despite the fact that Ukraine is the largest neighboring country of Slovakia, the volume of mutual trade is four times smaller as it is with other neighbors (Hungary, Poland, Austria) and up to 10 times smaller than the trade exchange between the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Natural wealth, cultural affinity and mutual geographic connections represent a valuable potential for cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine. Slovakia can play a key role in bridging Ukraine into the European Union environment.
The project is focused on building Slovak - Ukrainian cross-border trade and business cooperation. Parts of the project implemented in the border region initiate an ambition to conduct business and trade, provide information services as well as legal and technical support for cross-border cooperation.
To support the collaboration a set of complementary tools will be created: Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Slovak - Ukrainian Business Incubator, Arbitration Court, Ukrainian - Slovak business portal and Slovak - Ukrainian House of "Družba".
Using such tools Družba Slovakia - Ukraine directly manages, initiates and encourages co-operation between institutions, non-governmental organizations and businesses.
The strategy for promoting cross-border business and entrepreneurial activities is based on support services which eliminate the difficulties of accessing markets outside the European territory. For Slovak entrepreneurs Ukraine is close market and its size of potential demand exceeds the domestic market demand significantly. For Ukraine Slovakia can be the entree point to Europe.
Social and economic development of the region
Creation of new cross-border cooperation between business entities from the border region of SK-UA
Support for existing business cooperation between organisations in the border region
Enhancing mutual understanding on both sides of the border
Improving cooperation between educational institutions, employers and other relevant actors on both sides of the border as well as cross-border
Breaking the barriers for cross-border trade and business cooperation
Setting up the mechanisms for creating individual cross-border contacts and links
House of "DRUŽBA"
EASTPORT - Chamber of Commerce
EASTARBITER - Arbitration Court
PLACE! 2016 Conference
MISTO! 2017 Conference
Forum of business and municipal representatives
SKUS - organization associating Ukrainian students in Košice
Open Doors Day at Košice Universities
Capacity Building 1
Capacity Building 2
Statue of M.R. Štefánik in Uzhgorod
Slovakia – Ukraine:
coopertion across the border
Project Družba Slovensko – Ukrajina is conducted under the Program SK08 Cross-borde Collaboration and supported by a grant from Norway and by the state budget of the Slovak Republic.
Our mission is break down the barriers caused by unfamiliarity in the environment and the administate of overload, in order to increase mutual understanding, improve crossborder coopertion, support existing and develope new business oportunities. These activities will increase the economical and social development of the region.

Supported by a grant from Norway by Norway financial mechanism and co‐financed by the state budget of the Slovak Republic
- Social and economic development of the cross-border region
- Creation of new business cooperation between the subjects of the cross-border region
- Support of the existing trading cooperation between the subjects of the cross-border region
- Enhancement of mutual understanding on both sides of the border
- Improvement of cooperation between educational establishments, employers and other subjects
- Elimination of obstacles for cross-border business and trading cooperation
- Development of new ways to create individual cross-border contacts and connections/channels
- Družobný dom
- EASTPORT - Chamber of commerce
- EASTARBITER - Arbitration Court
- Conference PLACE
- Conference MISTO
- SKUS - The organization associating Ukrainian students in Košice
- Open House at universities in Košice
- Capacity building 1
- Capacity building 2
- Statue of M.R. Štefánik in Uzhgorod
Financial partners
